Monday, January 14, 2008


The kids are thrilled. Well, at least the public school kids are thrilled. The homeschooled kids can't figure out why the public schooled kids like "doing homeschool" when public school is cancelled. As Abby (homeschooled) said, "If you cancelled homeschool, I would NOT want to go to public school just for fun!"
But here we are: 4" of snow. It figures the brunt of the storm would miss us, since yesterday we spent the day fixing up the barn to put the "show" chickens inside, fixed the woodshed for the "range" chickens, moved the male goats up to the upper pasture, enclosed the females in the barn and fixed the female pup's door so she could be locked in. We filled the inside wood bins and hauled the wood that was stacked behind the pasture into the woodshed. We parked the car and van so that we could get out of the driveway and brought the snow shovels to the front door.
Now if we had done nothing to prepare, we would be getting pummeled by 18" of snow and ice right about now...

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