Monday, March 1, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

While we are in the midst of the "Busy Season", we are doing a lot of waiting.

We're waiting for the first does to kid. The barns have been cleaned. Two does are showing signs of being ready (soft cords, full udders). The milking machine (created/built by a friend) will be arriving on Friday! The "vet bag" is stocked. And so we wait...

We're waiting for the sap to start flowing in earnest. Last week it was actually too warm for a good flow! The evaporator is built (thanks Gordon!!) and test fired. The taps are in the trees with buckets. The woodpile is stacked. And so we wait...

We're waiting for the waters to recede (too much rain in one week!), so we can clean the yard. Shovels are found. Paint is purchased. Plans are made. And so we wait...

We're waiting for the bees to arrive. The hive bodies are cleaned. The foundation has been put into frames. New frames are assembled, just in case some get broken (or mouse chewed!). And so we wait...

I dislike waiting....

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