Sunday, December 30, 2007

Good News/Bad News

Sam (my husband) called me Friday evening from his job at the Waterbury Fire Department. He said, "Good News! I am working overtime for 24 hours Saturday!" The bad news: I had to go to my in-laws Chirstmas party with the kids by myself. You have no idea.....

Then Sam called me last night. "Good News! I am working my regular shift on Sunday so I won't be wasting gas. Oh, and I have been told I most likely will be working 24 hours of overtime on Monday too." The Bad News: This means I will be Single-Mom-ing it for Friday through Tuesday morning.

Sam called me this morning. "Good News! It looks like they might need me to work my Kelley Day," (a day off that is scheduled into their schedule every 32 days so that their average number of hours worked doesn't exceed the contract maximum). Being that his Kelley day happens to fall on Jan 1, I guess a lot of guys are planning on being out sick that day (a.k.a. "throwing a shoe"). The bad news: Sam won't be home until Wednesday morning.

The good news: with all this overtime, we will be able to get ahead on/pay off some bills. The bad news: I may not be sane when Sam gets home. (Hey! I heard that! "not that she had far to go anyway...!)

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