Monday, May 11, 2009

Testing... One.. Two.. Three

Sam takes his lieutenant's test tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12:30. He has been studying every waking minute. This is the same guy who took three YEARS to read through a Louis L'Amour western. He figures he has read over 1500 pages in the last 2 weeks! I have never seen him work so hard for ANYTHING as he has worked for this.

He is anxious to pass the test and get promoted to lieutenant, but even if he doesn't get that promotion, he will be promoted to permanent driver once all the new promotions get put in place. While this is still a pay raise, it isn't nearly the raise (nor the prestige) that comes with becoming a lieutenant.

So, if you think of it, say a prayer for Sam tomorrow (Tuesday) around 12:30. The test is approximately three hours long, so if you're a little late, it'll be okay!

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

praying for Sam to do well as we speak!! how long till he gets his score back?

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