Sunday, June 28, 2009


Saturday was a busy day for us. We had our hot dog fundraiser from 11AM to 2PM at the local Tractor Supply. Thankfully we had a bright sunny day with some very pretty clouds that would give us relief from the sun on occasion. While we didn't sell a huge amount of hot dogs, we had fun doing it.
Phyllis and Gordon dropped their kids off to us at the hot dog sale so they could attend a wedding. At 2PM we packed up all the stuff and the nine children and headed home. Abby and I dealt with the goat, while Nathalie and Hannah took turns watching Nora and Will, and finishing the animal chores.
At around 5PM Abby and I took showers. While everyone else had quick sandwiches for dinner, I called Sam at the firehouse. We discussed whether or not we should go to the town green for the annual town party with fireworks. He pulled up the radar on his computer and said we should be fine.
We arrived at the green and miraculously found a parking space within a short walking distance! We set up our spot and Nathalie, Hannah, Rachel, Grace, Samantha, Dianna and Will, went off to take a turn on the moon bounce. I read my book and Abby played with Nora. After about 20 minutes Abby noticed the huge, black cloud that appeared to be heading our way. I told her that dad had said it would head to the south of us. The kid returned, played a few games with the balls and then headed off again to find the clown making balloon animals.
It was then that I felt a drop. Large, cold drops. Almost slush-like. Abby and I started to pack things up, because large, cold drops of rain are not a good thing in storm clouds. We had nearly everything stacked on the stroller when the other kids came running back and the skies opened up. Abby ran with Nora and I put Will in the stroller. We all raced for the van!
After a few minutes of sitting in the van, I decided that we should just head home.
I called Sam when we got back to the house and told him he made a lousy weatherman. He said that he was making dinner and watching the radar on the computer and everything looked fine. They had a call so he left for about 20 minutes. When he came back, he saw the radar and thought, "Uh oh! Where did that come from?!" Since he had no way of contacting me he knew he would be hearing from me soon!
It rained and thundered until well after 10PM, so I am sure the fireworks were canceled.

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Actually, they still had the fireworks. We saw them bursting in the sky on our way home....after pulling over for the kids to watch them a bit, we knew to detour ourselves AWAY from the center of town!

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