Thursday, July 2, 2009

Camp Smith: Day Four

The sound of monsoon-like rain was what awakened us this morning. Well, that and the thunder and lightning. I think we got a total of 2 inches of rain when it was all said and done. The lightning struck somewhere close enough to trip the GFI for the barn. Fun stuff...

The 4-H camp had flooded out pathways and bridges completely under water. Thankfully the goats were on the highest part, so the water merely sped past them as it flowed through the barn. Today we worked on showmanship with the campers and this afternoon we will go back as the goat campers will demonstrate to the regular campers, all that they have learned this week. Tomorrow is the last day of camp!

We didn't get any more fence put up because of the weather, but we did clean the basement. Sam rented a steam cleaner to clean the van in anticipation for next week. More fun stuff! I think the girls are wishing they were back in school! Home school starts July 13th! Then they'll be wishing for fence work, I am sure!

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