Friday, September 2, 2011

Cleaning Up

We've been cleaning up after Irene. We definitely have enough small kindling to last us several winters! Lots of branches and leaves are down. The girls think we should wait to rake them up until after the autumn leaves fall!

Our power returned on Tuesday. We had a great time sharing meals with the neighbors. Tuesday night's get together turned into a "Power's Back On" party complete with fireworks! My parents' power just returned yesterday evening!

Everything in the garden, except the tomatoes, was flattened by either the wind or the tree, or both. The hay shed was slightly buckled by the tree branches that fell on it. As soon as the hay is fed out from it, we'll take the shed down and the tree that's next to it that lost it's entire top third.

Only two trees are left in the rock garden. Both are too big and leaning too much towards the house for Sam to attempt to take them down. He has a friend who is a licensed tree remover who will come and do it for us once his business slows down!

We fared very well, and I love that the girls were able learn to "roll with the punches" this week. Having witnessed some people this past week, who refused to be flexible and grumbled (loudly) about every inconvenience, I am grateful that we all managed to keep our positive attitudes. We all learned to be a little more flexible, a little more creative, and how to make the best of every situation; skills every person should have!

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