Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's Resolutions 2010

Yeah, I know, it's already January 7th!

I did make some New Year's resolutions this year. And I actually kept most of them for a few days! I actually did pretty well with last year's resolutions. Here's a reminder of what they were. I'll wait while you read the post... ::::interject Jeopardy theme music:::::

I actually have lost weight in the past year, but I still need to keep at it. Our new Wii Fit is a great help in that area as it reminds me to keep working at it.

My prayer time has increased much over the last year. I started a new habit of turning off the radio when I am driving to work. This gives me a good 15 uninterrupted minutes to and from work to pray.

Getting more organized is one that while i have gotten better in some areas, other areas have completely fallen into chaos.

The last one from last year was to stay on budget. I am happy to report that we have been able to do that and have made good strides in reducing our overall debt!

So my new New Year's resolutions are similar to last year's:

1. Continue to lose weight and get healthy.
2. Increase my time reading the Bible. My goal is to finish the Old Testament by August.
3. To stay on budget and reduce our debt, all while reducing Sam's workload.
and 4. To keep my mouth shut when I don't have something nice to say. I tend to spout out what I am thinking without, well, thinking. I made it until Jan 4th before I messed this one up, but Jan 5th was a new day and I have been able to bite my tongue for one more day!

With my successes from last year I am optimistic for this upcoming year!

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