Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Eve Brunch

It's that time of year again! We're planning our brunch. My friend Terry is coming on Monday for her annual visit with her Taste of Home cookbooks! I met Terry about fourteen years ago through an online chat room for home schoolers. Turns out she wasn't an axe murder and she lives just a half hour from me! For the last several years Terry has come, with her cookbooks, to visit a few weeks before the brunch. We pore over the books and magazines while sharing and catching up on our lives. The girls run down to the copier whenever we find a recipe we might like to try.

I think our brunch is one of the best parts of Christmas. Seeing friends and family all together, laughing and visiting, brings me such joy. I think, perhaps, just maybe, this is what heaven will be like: lots of food, lots of laughter, lots of love. So you're all invited!

1 comment:

ALLGEMS said...

I'm glad your friend Terry isn't a axe murderer...that wouldn't be good.

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