It is Girl scout cookie time here in Connecticut! With 5 girls in scouts it gets very interesting around here. At least this year they reduced the number of boxes the girls have to sell in order to get a patch from 45! to 25.
Twenty-five is still a lot of cookies when you have to multiply it by 5! So we have developed a system where the youngest child gets their 25 box quota first and then the next aged child and so on. The older girls all have their own friends and contacts from babysitting and such, so they can usually get pretty close on their own. If the older ones are 2-3 boxes from hitting the 25 box mark, I will make up the difference.
One of my husband's nieces called me last night about buying cookies. I should probably preface this with the fact that this niece is 25 years old. Her first question: "What color is the box the shortbread cookies come in?" Now the normal mom wouldn't know the answer to that question, but, I happen to not be a "normal"mom. I happen to be cookie mom for 2 troops, 3 years running. Yes, I have been called "insane"; I actually knew the color was blue. This niece then proceded to order cookies based on the color of the box.
When I relayed this little conversation to my husband who was lying on the couch barely alive from this super nasty cold we have been cursed with, he nearly died. No, I am serious. He started laughing and then he started coughing and he nearly stopped breathing. It took him 20 minutes to be okay again.
So, your family got hit by the bug too. Sorry to hear it. Our little Girl Scout turned hers from a flu into a bacterial sinus infection. Despite which, she's sold about a dozen boxes. Wait till she's all better. She may get that badge yet!
Get well, all.
It has been my experience visiting your home to bring my wallet. It seems that there is a fund raiser nearly every time and am pounced upon by one of your innocent, doe eyed, "would you like to buy so and so to support our cause" soft spoken, beautiful salesgirls.
Really.......I want to say "NO!", but they are soooooo good at what they do. I just know I will burn in eternity if I don't give.
As a small grin expands upon my face, I do know it is the least I can do to help young one's grow into self confident players of our upcoming generation.
Besides my children are now also among the newest ranks of "Please would you contribute to our cause" gang.
4H Candy Bars sold in less than three days. It even surprised me that our acquaintances were more than eager to purchase multiples. It is truly a wonderful cause (as are all the others). We ran out quickly and I almost felt myself wish that we had more (rue that day).
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