Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I:
picked up grain
made and canned relish (cucumber and green tomato varieties)
made tomato sauce
did 4 loads of laundry
cut out 3 dresses for Samantha
sewed half of 3 dresses for Samantha
made chocolate chip cookies
put the bee escapes on my hives
dropped the 4 younger girls at church
attended Big E orientation with Abby

Today I plan to:
make and can more relish
come up with something to do with 4 billion cherry tomatos (any suggestions??)
finish pulling all produce from garden as it is going to frost soon
finish sewing 3 dresses for Samantha
do 4 more loads of laundry
take Rachel to her doctor appointment
shop for the 4H hot dog fundraiser for this weekend
get all supplies I need to extract honey this weekend

Oh yeah, and cook meals, clean house, school girls, meet with the vet, organize New London County Goat delegation's Big E trip, send Abby off to her babysitting jobs (yes, plural), Hannah off to volunteer at gymnastics, and Nathalie off to my mom's....


Phyllis said...

wow! My head is spinning just thinking of all you have to do.

Anonymous said...

you could still make sauce with the cherry tomatoes...even leave the skin just need to blend them in the blender. They are slightly sweeter than regular tomatoes; so you might not want to add the same amount of sugar (if you put sugar in your home made sauce). Once you blend and cook them down, you can not really feel/taste the skins...and it is a lot better than letting them all rot before you can eat them all!!
-Phyllis's sister

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