At least , in my opinion, the 4H elections had more favorable results than the national election! Sorry, but any guy who claims to be pro-choice, yet also claims to be anti-abortion, and then votes to support a partial birth abortion bill is someone who will say anything to make whatever he does look good... but, I digress...
Abby and Lara both presented fantastic speeches with exceptional ideas for how to improve the 4H fair. The third candidate had fallen ill and was unable to present a speech. The voters were told they could vote for one or any combination of two candidates out of the three. Abby and Lara received the majority of votes as a team and so they will be installed as co-presidents on November 21. Nathalie was elected as 4H secretary. Hannah was elected as the poultry barn superintendant and Rachel is the assistant treasurer.
Lara had a fantastic idea of having "deputies" within the fair association. This would involve having the younger kids (like Samantha and Rachel) work beside an older kid in a specific job. I think this is an awesome idea as so few kids really know what the jobs fully entail. I think with both Lara and Abby's good ideas and excellent work ethic, we will have a wonderful 4H year and our Expo will be better than ever.
Congratulations to Abby, Lara, and all of the other elected candidates! I look forward to seeing all of them work together.
Uphill is always harder than downhill whether we're talking a nation or 4H. Sure looks to me like the 4H Fair is going up, and that's because some good kids (and their sponsors!) are willing to pull it up with good ideas and honest work.
I add my congratulations to Phyllis'.
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