Monday, October 24, 2011

Motivation.. Where Art Thou?

It's Monday and I lack motivation.

There is lots I could be doing.

So much I should be doing.

I can blame it on the busy weekend. A weekend that was jammed full of food and fellowship with some of the loveliest people on the planet.

I can blame it on Samantha, who crawled into bed with me last night. At 2 AM. Her tossing and turning had me starting the coffeemaker at 4AM; a full hour earlier than it was programmed to start.

I can blame it on the weather. It has turned quite chilly here and sitting bundled under my blanket at the computer is quite comfy and warm. Why would I want to go hang wet laundry out in the cold?

I can blame it on my husband who took down a wall in our [w]rec[k] room and discovered a crack in the foundation, which will require some repair work. He then left for the firehouse, leaving the half-finished mess. Nothing like chaos and mess to steal your motivation.
*note: My husband is wonderful and I know he will finish the job just as quickly as he can... let's not talk about all that is permanently temporary or temporarily permanent around here, kay? Let me have my fantasies...

Thankfully, I do know how to dredge up some motivation: I'll finish this cup of coffee, put some rousing bagpipe hymns on Pandora, and just "do the next thing". I think I'll start with the wallboard mess...

....after maybe just one more cup of coffee...

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