Yesterday we learned that Rachel has Pernio. Basically the purple swollen toe is from her foot getting cold and all the blood vessels squeezing in response, shrinking the blood supply. So the doctor's reccommendation once he learned that Abby had Raynauds Move south. Apparently my children are "allergic" to the cold.
The other thing we learned was that the goat that died a few months ago, (Not one of our goats but the goat of one of the kids in our 4H group) died of meningeoencephealitis caused by the meningeal worm. So I now have become well versed in yet another rare and bizarre disease of the goat. Why can't the animals around here get anything "normal"?
The good news, if there is any, is I was correct in my initial diagnosis of this goat. It was definitely neurological in nature and the fatality rate is just about 100%.
Since the life cycle of the meningeal worm involves snails and slugs, the family is now looking at installing a "Slug Sahara" around their pastures. The other fix is to put chickens in the pens with the goats. The chickens will eat the slugs and break the life cycle.
We also discovered that beneath the walls in our basement is wallboard with 1970s wall paper on it. All I can say is no wonder the previous owners covered it up! We also learned that Sam will have to replace the wallboard over the door because it is covered in mold. I hesitate to say, "That wil be an easy fix," since from past experience, he will pull down the old wallboard to find a huge disaster that will halt the project for 6-8 months. Nothing in this house is as it seems.
So yesterday was a day of discovery: two new diseases and scary things under the basement walls.
"Move South!??" That's an answer??
What about the rest of us Great Goats people, doesn't that doctor know we need you? What's a few cold toes and fingers. Wool socks. Mittens. That's the answer.
Move South. I never!!
As to the wallboard project - ya gotta do it. Mold's gotta go. But you have sincere sympathy, since we all know only too well how a small project turns out to be a nightmare of long duration.
Um ... when you get that new wallboard up (and whatever else), if you need a painter ...
poor Rachel! (And poor you!!) I agree with Peter -- we'd all be lost without you, so no moving South, k??
Well first thing you should do is try to remind the young ones to put on some clothes and shoes before leaving the comfort of the house when they go sleding or skating.
Moving south eh?........can I have your bees?
Oh I can just see you all now in the camper for the ride south.....goats, dogs, cats maybe but add the bees, oh to be a fly on that wall.
Have my bees?? I don't think so! Weren't you listening at class the other night? Oh yeah that's right you were to busy making comments in the hopes of killing me with coffee! As long as I move them more than 5 miles they won't get confused and lost!
Don't worry we won't be going anywhere. Sam says he refuses to commute to Waterbury from Kentucky...
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